Asset Protection

Trust Funding: Is Everything Titled Correctly?

Jensen Law Office, PLLC   1833 N 105th St., Suite 301 Seattle, WA 98133Trust Funding: Is Everything Titled Correctly?  May Newsletter Working with an attorney to draft a trust agreement for estate planning purposes is an important step. But just getting the document drafted and signed is not enough. For any trust to be effective, you must complete the process of funding your trust as soon...

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Special Estate Planning Considerations for Art and Other Collections

Many people have collections about which they are quite passionate: The collections may be very valuable, for example, art collections, coins, stamps, or designer handbags, or they may have more sentimental than monetary value, such as political bumper stickers, postcards, or rocks. Regardless of its dollar value, if you have a collection, it should be included in your estate plan. You should...

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What to do with the family heirlooms and keepsakes

When most people think of estate planning, they think of assets that include money, real estate, and personal property. But, included in someone’s estate could be invaluable personal property, such as family heirlooms or keepsakes. This type of property should not be overlooked in your estate plan just because it may not have a high dollar value because it still has sentimental value that cannot...

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