Back to School!
Planning for Your Kids
Whether your child is starting 3rd grade or college, the beginning of the school year is an eventful and important time, especially this year. In honor of this, I would like to bring attention to the ways in which you can protect your children with your estate planning, and even estate planning of your child’s own.
Young Children
The protection of young children is one of the biggest reasons people come to me for estate planning. Our children are the most important things in our lives. As such, as parents we will give our children the best life has to offer. But what happens if we are not there to protect them? This is the question that starts parents on the path of estate planning, especially to ensure a secure and happy life for their children.
Each parent is special and has a specific way in which they want their children to be raised. When appointing a guardian for young children, parents can specify who they want as a guardian of their children if the worst was to happen. Specifications such as which religion the child should be raised in, the parenting style used, and even the type of schools attended can be outlined in a parent’s estate plan. I will work with you to protect your children so they can have the best life possibly can provided to them.
College-Aged Young Adults
We spend most of our parenting life protecting and nurturing our children until the time they are ready to take on the world themselves. As they start to leave home, go to college, and start the rest of their lives, we, as parents, find our new place as their ever-present supporter and the ones who are called when there is a problem. As a father of three girls, two of which are now over the age of 18, I know exactly how hard this transition is as the protection we used to offer becomes limited.
In the past couple of years, I have had inquiries about the importance of estate planning in a young adult’s life. Wills and especially Financial Powers of Attorney and Health Care Powers of Attorney are very important in safeguarding young adults in their next stages of life. These documents offer parents or others the capability of stepping into the position of protector if ever a young adult gets into a situation where they need one.