Jensen Estate Law

May Newsletter


Building Harmony: Effective Estate Strategies for Complex Family Relations 

In the intricate web of family ties, estate planning emerges as a pivotal tool for navigating the delicate interplay of relationships and personal histories. It’s about crafting a legacy that’s as unique as the individuals it represents, ensuring that each loved one is honored and provided for in a manner that reflects their unique connection to you. This strategic planning is more than a financial safeguard—it’s a tribute to the bonds that form the fabric of our lives, a way to perpetuate your vision and values.

Fairness vs. Equality: Having the Right Balance

Fairness and equality stand at the heart of decisions about whom to give to and what to distribute in estate plans. While distributing assets equally among beneficiaries may seem straightforward, adjusting them to address individual needs introduces a layer of fairness. This approach can raise pivotal ethical considerations, compelling families to explore how their estate plans can best reflect their collective ideals and the personal situations of each member, thereby reinforcing their commitment to a just distribution of assets.

Rethinking Disinheritance: Constructive Alternatives to Strengthen Family Bonds

Disinheritance is a word that echoes with a sense of finality and exclusion. It’s a decision that can significantly affect both family dynamics and legal processes, a choice that is never made lightly. This article examines the motivations that might lead someone to consider such a drastic step, explores viable alternatives that aim to preserve family harmony, and discusses the potential impacts on the intricate web of familial relationships.