COVID-19 and Our Office Precautions
The worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 has caused many of our clients to re-examine the importance of their Estate Plans and reach out to us. Many documents, in particular, Powers of Attorney, have been brought up as especially important. We are very lucky to have the ability to meet with our clients over video chats and through phone calls, but are limited because estate planning documents have to be signed and notarized in person. Sadly, video chats and programs like DocuSign are not permitted for our purposes. So, we are going to work through these issues with you in a safe way that you are comfortable with in order to offer you the same protection we always have during this trying time.
King County has officially moved into phase 1.5! This means that while we are continuing to conduct video meetings to limit contact, we will be scheduling in-house signings as directed in Option #3 below. Of course, if you are uncomfortable with this, please contact our office and direct that you would like to sign your documents using one of the other options below.
We have three options for how to sign your documents, that will help protect you and us as well as get you your documents.
Option # 1: At Home Signings
This option puts you in the most control of how you interact with people to sign. For this option, you will need to find two witnesses who are not named in your estate plan and not family members, we suggest neighbors. You will then sign you documents in front of them and have them sign as well, while following social distancing guidelines.
Option # 2: Vehicle Signings
The vehicle signing option would offer you limited contact to the employees at our office while you stay in your vehicle. You will print the documents at your home and drive to our office. We will meet you where you park and witness as you sign the documents from behind your car window. You will then roll the window down and pass the documents to us, so we can notarize and sign them as witnesses. If you choose this option, please reschedule if you are feeling sick (we will do the same), bring copies of the documents and your own pen, wear a mask (we will as well), and bring sanitation supplies as you see fit.
Option # 3: In Office Signings
We are fortunate enough to have an extra room in our office space that can be kept clean and sanitized before each signing. If you choose this option. We will let you into our office building and strictly use social distancing guidelines as we go upstairs to our office space for the signing. If you choose this option please bring your own pen and sanitizer, wear masks, and reschedule if you are feeling ill.
Although the news on the spread of this virus can be very depressing, We are encouraged by the spirit of the people of the Seattle area to work together and overcome this challenge.Stay healthy and if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions please reach out to us.
*Please note that even if all social distancing measures are followed and all parties wear masks during these transactions, that there is still a risk of transmission.