Happy Independence Day!

For many people the 4th of July marks the official beginning of summer. School has been over for awhile and the Seattle weather is just starting to warm up. This year, the 4th of July comes during a time that has been difficult for many people. Because of this it is especially important to spend time with family and do the things you love. You will probably find me taking a hike and eating barbecue with my family. This 4th, make sure to spend some time for yourself and enjoy the fireworks! 

This 4th Lets Celebrate our Military Families!

Military families sacrifice a lot for this country and the people who live in it. they have pick up and move their lives around as well as let their loved ones serve abroad without seeing them. This is why it is our job to help protect them while they protect us.

Estate Planning is how we can help our military families. when planning for a military family, there are unique factors to consider; property in different states, children, spouse, issues with moving multiple times and more. We are here to help you through all of these instances and more.